Our Plaster crew came in and put up all the walls/blueboard in just two days. And their crew has already plastered the 2nd floor. They will be coming back to finish tomorrow. The house is beginning to look like a home.
Dave & Steve's plastering crew were careful to tape over the original antique wood that we're exposing and the beams are beginning to stand out now that the ceilings are in.

The deck is 70% complete and would have been finished today had there not been buckets of rain coming down on us.

The sanding of the original antique floors began last week as well but could not continue today due to the rain. We also visited a restoration place in Whitman Sunday night and secured the additional flooring that we will need to finish the floors in the home (thanks to Rick and Mark).

We're hoping for some nicer weather later this week so that we can continue to refinish the original floors and finish the deck. Until then we have lots to do and working 12 hr days to accomplish it.
Tiling begins tomorrow for the bathrooms and Cabinets are rolling in on Wednesday morning and then off to pick out some granite. The two choices thus far are "Steel Gray" and "Madura Gold" .
Get your votes in on our fan page folks.
We have already had 2 showings (qualified buyers of course, came through on Sunday morning as we were headed out to church and an engagement party) and we have two more coming through tomorrow.
We're very excited. This is by far the most "special" home we've ever brought back to life!
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